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+91 9214-005-183

We are not hiring candidates from any Consultancy Company and don't get pay any amount for recuritment, if you pay any kind of amount to anyone for job then you are completely responsible for that.

Smart Cable Operator

  • Company Master
    • Create Company Master
    • Search Company Master
  • Area Master
    • Create Area
    • Search Area
  • Product MAster
    • Create Product
    • Search Product
  • Customer Master
    • Create Customer
    • Search Customer
    • Due Payments
    • Collection Recieve
    • Customer Ledger
    • Search Reciept
  • Expense Master
    • Create Expenses Head
    • Create Expenses Sub-Head
    • Create Expenses
    • Total Expenses
    • Profit & Loss Calculation
    • Areawise Collection Report
  • User Master
    • Create User
    • Search User
  • Report
    • Company List
    • Area List
    • Customer List
    • Due Payment List
    • Recieved Payment List
    • Comapny & Areawise Collection Report
    • User Report


  • Company Module
  • Area Module
  • Product Module
  • Customer Module
  • Expense Module
  • User Module
  • Report Module




